Artikelnummer: BURAM5000
Meant for very low sample flow for ICP-MS and ICP-OES. Only use for samples that are particulate free.
PFA Teflon capillaries, Black PEEK body.
Standard pressure: 50 PSI for 1 L/min.
Handles sample flow rates from 100 µL/min to 1500 µL/min.
Fits regular chambers as a direct replacement for glass concentric nebulizers.
Nebulizer includes sample line and gas line.
ID (Microns): 250
PerkinElmer OEM N0777032
for NexION 1000/1100/2000/2200 and 5000 ICP-MS incl. BURBRG303
Thermo OEM 4600495 for ICP-MS incl. BURBRG204
Agilent ICP-OES/MS incl. BURBRG 204 + BURBRC 205